
Europe – the Heart and Centrepiece
The notion of a united Europe still remains fascinating after all these years. It is based on the idea to create something groundbreakingly new on this continent after hundreds of wars and immeasurable suffering: An area of peace and liberty, of mutual understanding, of democracy and the rule of law, of solidarity and social balance. Before our mind’s eye appears the shining and “border-less” vision of a society with a human face.

Europe – Musical Cosmos
Europe may rightly be called a cradle of human culture. It was here that over the centuries a truly immense number of musical compositions was created, a dazzling kaleidoscope reaching from musical
gems for single instruments to elaborate symphonic landscapes requiring a large number of participating musicians – a scope comprising hidden treasures which, in parts not even recovered yet, are still waiting in libraries to be discovered. The diversity of European countries and regions is reflected in characteristic musical patterns and colours: French élégance, Moorish influences in Spanish music, the Mediterranean ease of Italian tunes, Bohemian minstrelsy, intellectual sophistication and playfulness in the genius of Bach and Mozart up to the endless spaces of Finland, depicted in the extensive tone poems of Sibelius, not to mention the abundance of contemporary works and classic modernism.

Art – Emotion
The arts widen our horizons far beyond rational-economic-political contexts. They immediately reach out for the emotional core of the human being, making sure that we feel alive. And indeed even more: That we are able to interact as humans among other human beings. Hence it is worthwhile to keep an eye – and an ear – on all things beautiful. Thus, humanity in its elementary shape will find expression. Unlike literature or the fine arts, music takes place at a given time to which it is firmly tied. This is why music in particular will make a direct, intense and overwhelming impact on the human imagination and affection.

Roots in Ancient Greece
A good deal of those ideas that we take for granted and have integrated in our day-to-day lives originate in the Greece of the Antiquity. Thus, the term “Europe” as such goes back to Greek mythology. It was here that “Democracy” as the role model of a stabilising and harmonious coexistence was developed – and successfully implemented.
Mneme, Melete, and – sic! – AOIDE: They are the “titanic” muses who in turn symbolise “memory/reminiscence”, “practice/meditation” and “music.”

Overcoming boundaries and frontiers – AOIDE Symphony
Making contact with people means being ready and willing to cross borders!
Throughout history, composers and performing musicians set off on extensive journeys, dreading neither hardships nor boundaries that had to be overcome. For them, the appeal of all things alien and new was and still is a virtual tonic, a constant and essential source of inspiration. Music provides evidence “of a special kind” proving that a humane society can be feasible and successful – provided there is respect for other people and their cultures.
It is mutual respect which provides the human and artistic basis for the “AOIDE Symphony”, with the eponym of the orchestra going way back to the philosophical history of ancient Greece, while the orchestra’s musicians all come from the most various regions of Europe, shaping a colourful, diverse, vivid and sizeable model of the continent. They are inspired by the conviction that they can reach and touch people across national, ethnic and traditional frontiers, that they are able to convey a solid feeling of togetherness. Europe in all its regional individuality is also reflected in the wide range of brilliant tone colours of the programme planning.
The AOIDE Symphony – sometimes also performing as “AOIDE Strings” or “AOIDE Winds” ensembles respectively – places the great opportunity we call “Europe as a Chance” into the perspective it deserves. Besides striving for standards of the highest artistic level, the symphony’s principal concern is to add more weight to this chance, instil it firmly in the hearts and minds of the people, inspire enthusiasm and ultimately illustrate that Europe can be a great deal more than merely a marriage of convenience: A wonderful place to live for more than five hundred million people.